You have clicked in to a pretty amazing category on this website there is over 1000 images pertaining to the Terracina history a lot of the original negatives have never been seen before by anybody Or 1000 images have a little story is attached to them they were shot by three professional published photographers over a 90 years span. My great uncle Sal he opened up his first studio at the age of 17 years old in 1928 he was also booked as the worlds youngest mind reader and hypnotist while he did his piano act in many clubs in this country during prohibition and for the rest of his life, The second photographer is Sal‘s little brother my grandfather the famous Captain Tony from Key West you may have heard about him famous rum smuggler, mayor of Key West, owned the original Hemingway bar, Sal and him had a photography studio above that bar you can imagine those photos, there in this category the third photographer that’s me I have been published for over 42 years my claim To fame i