If you made it this far onto this website and got to this category You are a little educated, There’s three family members that made this category my great uncle Sal had his first studio in Manhattan in 1928 he was 17, then there is his little brother my grandfather the famous Captain Tony you know the mafia guy from New Jersey, rum and gun smuggler out of Cuba, owned this bar right here you’re looking at and then he became the mayor of Key West he took some pretty wild photos especially above the bar Sal and him had this crazy studio up there as far back as the mid 60s I actually started going there in the late 60s and then started working for the family in 1976 and became a published photographer by 1978 A lot of wild photo shoots went on up there with some crazy parties it wasn’t just the bizarre mask Parties, the crazy card games we’re famous Stay on this category there is over 1000 images with the stories attached to each one of them pertaining to the Terracina family