This is a very interesting category on this site there is over 400 images that my great uncle Sal has taken and myself most of them are published as far back as the late 20s both of us had studios in New York City Sal Spent 60 years there and myself 30 we both were also photographers in Key West we definitely have some stories each photograph on this category has a cool little story about it for instance these two magazines the one on the right Sal did in 1949 for the bazaar traveling carnival the world of mirth he was a mind reader mask maker also played The Piano at burlesque shows A lot of great photos and stories in this magazine about him the other magazine 40 years later is what I did It had all the strip clubs in New Jersey and New York And all the exotic dancers that perform there I’m the guy who went to all the clubs and took all the pictures there’s also a great story in the air about me like Sal’s magazine funny coincidence the magazines with the same size and the sa